When the universe knocks…say yes

When the universe knocks…do you say yes?

We all want luck and opportunities to come our way, yet sometimes when they actually come we don’t jump for joy and say a big clear YES to them!

Instead we can let self-doubt and hesitation take hold and we start thinking crazy thoughts and questioning our skills, potential and capacity… We start asking ourselves – Am I ready? Do I really want this? When of course we ARE ready and of course we WANT it.

Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever pulled back instead of saying yes to the very thing you wanted?

I’ve heard so many examples recently… A job opportunity is suggested to someone, but then they don’t even put in an application. A freelance writer with a gig guaranteed who then did’t submit her story by the deadline. A woman with a booming career who didn’t attend that one important meeting with stakeholders….

You may feel fear and hesitation. That’s okay.  BUT don’t let it stop you. When the universe next knocks on your door… (whether it be at work or you life)….SAY YES!


Michelle Landy  www.michellelandy.com